color Library Method
Short Description: Set color / color animation
Signature: t.color (c,c1)
Group: Texture
Class: transition Class
Fills the animated object with the given color c.
If c1 is given, this performs an animation changing the
color from c to c1.
Color values are strings that form a valid canvas fillStyle.
Colors may be partially transparent. Default color is "fully transparent".
The method also sets the alpha value to 0 so that a
texture is not visible, just the color given. If, however,
alpha or blend is used afterwards, the
color method actuall acts like bgColor.
Examples"eximg").color("red").start(); | RUN |"eximg").color("red","yellow").start(); | RUN |"eximg").color("red","rgba(0,0,0,0.0)").start(); | RUN |"eximg").color("red").alpha(0.5).start(); | RUN |"eximg").color("red").alpha(1,0).start(); | RUN |
The methods color, bgColor, lightAmbDiff, and lightBgAmbDiff are mutually
exclusive, only one of them can be used for a single transition.
This color method has the advantage that a color animation in the background
color can be performed. On the other hand default values for the ambient and diffuse lighting
factors will be used, as specified in taccgl.Lighting Parameters.
Alternatively you can use lightBgAmbDiff which allows to set the background
color and values for the ambient and diffuse lighting factors.