taccGL™ Reference Manual
taccgl™ is a library for adding fast and advanced
2D and
animations to HTML 5 web pages. It supports and simplifies using the
new web graphics standard WebGL™ by providing a software layer on
top of WebGL™ with a javaScript / HTML / CSS - like fluent interface.
It also includes functions to provide alternate content to client browsers / devices
that do not provide WebGL™.
This reference manual is intended for readers who already worked
through the Tutorial and tried out some of the
examples. Readers need some basic knowledge about HTML, CSS, and
javaScript and will learn to define and play taccgl™ animations on
web pages. Readers with programming knowledge and a deeper understanding
of javaScript in addition learn how to create programs/scripts that
interactively react on user input, create and run animtaions.
Manual Structure
The taccgl™ library is organized around object oriented classes
and the main part of the manual documents each class and its methods
(Class Structure). A first part of the manual introduces
various concepts needed to understand the main part such as
taccgl Transitions, Lighting etc.
A third part of the manual discusses important side issues like
Browser and Hardware Compatibility,
Restrictions, and javaScript Performance.
Manual Sections
WebGL™ is a trademark of the Khronos Group Inc.