borderFun1 Library Method
Short Description: Function defining border at end of animation
Signature: f.borderFun1 (x,y,z)
Class: taccglFlexiBorder Class
This function can be provided by the user. Alternatively one of the methods
Flip1, Circle1, Rect1, Wave1, or
ZWave1 can be used. If non is used and no user function is
supplied, Rect1 is the default.
The function receives coordinates of a point, which is
guranteed to sit on the original border of the animated
object. Original border means the parallelogram of the object
interpreted as a Transition Class object. The
method must set this.resx, this.resy,
and this.resz. If this.resx=x, this.resy=y,
and this.resz=z then the flexiBorder object will look
like the original parallelogram. By (slightly) modifying
the coordinates, the parallelogram can be deformed
var"testimg",taccgl.flexiBorder); a.borderFun1 = function (x,y,z,rx,ry) { this.resx=x; this.resy=y; this.resz=z - (rx-0.5)*(rx-0.5)*(ry-0.5)*(ry-0.5)*16*1200;} a.circular().nparts(1000); a.start(); | RUN |
var"testimg",taccgl.flexiBorder); a.borderFun1 = function (x,y,z,rx,ry) { this.resx=x; this.resz=z; this.resy=y; var s=(rx-0.5)*2; if (ry==1) this.resy += (1-s*s*(s-0.2))*500; } a.acceleration(-100,0,0).start(); | RUN |
var"testimg",taccgl.flexiBorder); a.borderFun1 = function (x,y,z,rx,ry) { rx=(1-ry*ry*0.8)*(rx-0.5)+0.5; this.resx=this.x1+this.wx1*rx+this.hx1*ry; this.resy=this.y1+this.wy1*rx+this.hy1*ry; this.resz=this.z1+this.wz1*rx+this.hz1*ry; } a.circular().nparts(1000); a.start(); | RUN |
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