borderFun0 Library Method
Short Description: Function defining initial border
Signature: f.borderFun0 (x,y,z)
Class: taccglFlexiBorder Class
This function can be provided by the user. Alternatively one of the methods
, , , , or
can be used. If non is used and no user function is
supplied, is the default.
The function receives coordinates of a point, which is
guranteed to sit on the original border of the animated
object. Original border means the parallelogram of the object
interpreted as a Transition Class object. The
method must set this.resx, this.resy,
and this.resz. If this.resx=x, this.resy=y,
and this.resz=z then the flexiBorder object will look
like the original parallelogram. By (slightly) modifying
the coordinates, the parallelogram can be deformed
var"testimg",taccgl.flexiBorder); a.borderFun0 = function (x,y,z,rx,ry) { this.resx=x; this.resy=y; this.resz=z - (rx-0.5)*(rx-0.5)*(ry-0.5)*(ry-0.5)*16*1200;} a.circular().nparts(1000); a.start(); | RUN |
var"testimg",taccgl.flexiBorder); a.borderFun0 = function (x,y,z,rx,ry) { this.resx=x; this.resz=z; this.resy=y; var s=(rx-0.5)*2; if (ry==1) this.resy += (1-s*s*(s-0.2))*500; } a.acceleration(-100,0,0).start(); | RUN |
var"testimg",taccgl.flexiBorder); a.borderFun0 = function (x,y,z,rx,ry) { rx=(1-ry*ry*0.8)*(rx-0.5)+0.5; this.resx=this.x0+this.wx0*rx+this.hx0*ry; this.resy=this.y0+this.wy0*rx+this.hy0*ry; this.resz=this.z0+this.wz0*rx+this.hz0*ry; } a.circular().nparts(1000); a.start(); | RUN |
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