Time and Duration
Each transition has a start time and a duration both together
defining a time interval. The animated object is usually visible only
during that interval. Typically one defines multiple transitions
that cover the complete time of an animation defining what a certain
element should do at each particular point in time. It is, however,
also possible to not cover the complete time, in which case the
animated object will be invisible during certain time periods; or it
is possible to define overlapping transitions to show multiple
instances of the object simultaneously.
Per default transitions start at time 0 and have a duration of
one second. Using a it is possible to define an
transition that starts immeadiately after another one finished.
Also start time and duration can be set using startTime
and duration.
Using showBefore and showAfter a still image of the animated
object can be shown before / after the time interval the actual animation is
taking place.
Multiple transitions can be chained together using cont.
Actually cont creates a new transition, staring immediately
after a previous transition, taking over the animated object, its texture,
and using the end position of the previous transition as starting position of the
next transition.
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