Animations and Transitions
In taccgl™ terminology an Animation is a collection
of Transitions. More precisely an Animation
includes initially all transitions that had been started
with transition.start before
taccgl.start was used to play the Animation.
If further transitions are started, while the Animation
is still playing, these transitions are added to the Animation.
After all transitions of the Animation have finished,
the complete Animation is finished. All transitions
started afterwards no longer belong to the Animation
but to the next Animation (starting a new animation
if required.)
In most cases, it is irrelevant, if two transitions belong to the same
animation or to different animations. In any case, when you define
and start transitions and finally call taccgl.start,
the new transitions are run. If this happens while no Animation
is running, a new Animation is started.
If it happens while an Animation is running the new
transitions are appended to the running animation and played
in parallel to the already running Animation.
There are subtle differences, nevertheless, that we will discuss below
in section "Running an Animation: Rendering Loop".
Updating an Animation
Never forget the double
start, transition.start for each transition
and taccgl.start for the Animation, even if
an Animation is running
already. transition.start must be called for every
transition, to indicate that all parameters are set and the
final taccgl.start to start playing of
the Animation. If the animation is playing
already taccgl.start instead of starting updates the
data of the running animation in the GPU and therefore is also
essential. Note, however, that updates of transitions might
take effect immediately without transition.start
or taccgl.start, e.g. for effects that are not
performed by the GPU or in the canvas 2D fall back mode.
Note that for performace reasons you should
call taccgl.start only when needed. It transferrs data
into the GPU and it is much more efficient to transfer many
transitions at once.
Adding, Stopping, and Updating Transitions
It is possible to add, stop, and update transitions of a running animation.
The normal transition.start adds a transition
to the current animation, if it is not yet present. Otherwise
it is updated. You can add a new transition as well as a
transition that was used by a previous animation.
When you update a previously started transition
then you must call transition.start and taccgl.start
subsequently. It is undefined weather the update takes effect
immediately or after executing the start methods
(with the current implementation in WebGL™ mode most updates
take effect only after start, while in canvas 2D fallback mode the updates
take effect immediately. However this is implementation defined and might change).
The start time of a transition always is relative to the
begin of the animation. The default starting time is the current time
w.r.t. to a currently running animation (or 0 if no animation runs).
So the default is to start the transition immediately.
All times given as parameter to startTime are increased
by the current time. So startTime(1) means to start the transition
within one second. See alse absStartTime.
You can also update a transition that is currently visible or
that becomes visible by modifying the starting time.
In that case however the behaviour of onBegin, hideAtBegin,
and opacityAtBegin is undefined and these methods should
not be used. Likewise, if starting time and/or duration are changed
in a way the transition immediately becomes visible or invisible the
behaviour of onEnd, visAtEnd,
and opacityAtEnd is undefined and these methods should
not be used.
Running an Animation: The Rendering Loop
While an animation is running, taccgl™ shows the canvas element
on the page. It draws a new image on the canvas in a loop, performance
permitting, 25 to 30 times a second. While no animation is running the
canvas element is normally hidden and nothing is drawn.
An animation terminates when/if all transitions are finished
(disregarding ShowAfter) or if the stop method is
used. On termination the visFinal
and opacityFinal methods take into effect and all transitions
displayed because of the ShowAfter method terminate as well.
GPU Buffering
In order to get a better understanding of the start methods it
might be useful to discuss the WebGL™ double buffering: WebGL™
requires the animation data to be (1) prepared in a special formatted
buffer and (2) this buffer to be transferred into the GPU. (1) is
performed during transition.start and (2)
during taccgl.start. You must call both start methods
after each change and you can call them multiple times, to keep
the buffers up to date. However, it is not guaranteed that a change
becomes effective only after start! Some effects do not need the
GPU/WebGL™ and in canvas 2D fall-back mode there is also no buffering.
So your program should never update a started transition without
calling start afterwards, because then it is undefined if
the update becomes visible or not.
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