HTML5 Canvas 3D WebGL (TM) js Library

actor Library Method

Short Description: Create a new transition; paint, hide, and show element

Signature: (el[,kind],[visibility],[texturecanvas])
Class: taccgl Class

Create a new transition for the HTML element el. el might be a DOM node or a string which denotes the id of the desired HTML element.

The method returns a new transition object. You need to call the objects various methods to clearly define its function. Read about taccgl Transitions in general and Transition Class explaining these methods in detail.

The transition typically shows/animates an image of the HTML element, while the HTML element itself will automatically be hidden before the complete animation. If visibility is not specified, the element gets after the transition the same visibility than before. If visibility is specified it gives the visibility of the HTML element after the transition. So visibility="hide" can be used to hide the element, visibility="" to inherit visibility, and visibility="visible" to make the element explicitly visible. If the transition is continued by a further continnuing transition using cont then the visibility of the HTML element will be restored or set only after the continnuing transition.

paint is done automatically to the specified texturecanvas, currently 1 or 2. 1 is the default.

In order to "leave out" a parameter, pass null. You can leave out trailing missing parameters completely.

By specifying parameter kind a kind (see Transition Kind) can be assigned to the transition created.


var"testimg").to (0,1000,0).start();
var"pgMiddleColumnTable").to (0,0,0).start();
var"testimg",null,null,1).to (2000,2000,0).start();
var"testimg2",null,null,2).from (-1000,2000,0).start();

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Next Page:taccgl.mEmpty - Returns an empty animation set
Previous Page: taccgl.a - Create a new transition