mix Library Method
Signature: sc.mix ()
Class: taccglShaderConfig Class
This is initially an empty method that you can override to customize the fragment shader.
The code can modify the variables c,d,ca,da. c and d contain
the color and opacity of the corresponding pixel on the first and second texture canvas.
ca and da are scalar factors specifying to what portion c and d
are blended later on.
var s=taccgl.ssc('ShaderSample4').times().dynTex(); var b=taccgl.actor("testimg").sc(s).dur(2); taccgl.texTo(2);taccgl.paintElement("testimg2",true); b.start() | RUN |
<script id="ShaderSample4" type="x-gsgl/x-shader"> :mix da = clamp (s-0.7+ct/1.0,0.0,1.0); ca=1.0; </script> |