HTML CSS UV Mapping on 3D Models - taccGL™ Tutorial
UV Mapping
If the 3D Model contains the HTML material discussed and in addition texture
coordinates (UV coordinates), these are used. The example file uvsphere1.obj
contains a sphere with an UV map. When used, the HTML element (in this case
Layout, which means almost the complete page) is mapped on
the sphere.
var to=taccgl. objFile().read('/objtest/uvsphere1.obj',false); to.mtl.ambientAdjust(0.4); taccgl.a("Layout",to.objs("Sphere")) .paint() .modFit("mmm","xy") .rotateMiddle(0,0.7,0.7) .dur(5) .start(); | RUN |
var to=taccgl. objFile().read('/objtest/uvsphere1.obj',false); to.mtl.ambientAdjust(0.4); taccgl.a("Layout",to.objs("Sphere")) .paint() .bgColor("white"). modFit("mmm","xy") .rotateMiddle(0,0.7,0.7) .dur(5) .start(); | RUN |
var to=taccgl. objFile().read('/objtest/uvsphere1.obj',false); to.mtl.ambientAdjust(0.4); taccgl.a("ex4",to.objs("Sphere")) .mapActor("Layout") .modFit("mmm","xy"). flyOut(0,1200,-2500) .rotateMiddle(0,0.7,0.7) .dur(5) .start(); | RUN |
The second example uses the HTML element "ex4", which is the example box as placeholder element,
to make the sphere smaller and appear in the right place. It however uses mapactor to
again map the HTML element with id "Layout" on the sphere. Some more examples are in UV Mapping
and some hints to create models with UV maps in UV Map Creation.
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